Closest Airport to Bethlehem, Airports Near Bethlehem
What is the nearest airport to Bethlehem, ?
The closest airport to Bethlehem is Ben Gurion International Airport (TLV). Distance from Ben Gurion International Airport to Bethlehem is 28.11 miles or 45.24 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bethlehem
- Ben Gurion International Airport (45.24 Km)
- Bar Yehuda Airfield (45.5 Km)
- Nevatim Air Base (58.14 Km)
- Be'er Sheva (Teyman) Airport (65.04 Km)
- Queen Alia International Airport (74.82 Km)
- Civil - Marka Airport (80.25 Km)
- Gush Katif Airport (93.91 Km)
- Ramon Air Base (115.2 Km)
- Ein Yahav Airfield (120.5 Km)
- Haifa Airport (123.67 Km)
List of Airports close to Bethlehem,
Ben Gurion International Airport (TLV)
Ben Gurion International Airport is located approximately 27.96 miles / 45 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is TLV.
Bar Yehuda Airfield (MTZ)
Bar Yehuda Airfield is located approximately 27.96 miles / 45 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is MTZ.
Nevatim Air Base (VTM)
Nevatim Air Base is located approximately 36.04 miles / 58 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is VTM.
Be'er Sheva (Teyman) Airport (BEV)
Be'er Sheva (Teyman) Airport is located approximately 40.39 miles / 65 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is BEV.
Queen Alia International Airport (AMM)
Queen Alia International Airport is located approximately 45.98 miles / 74 kilometers East (E) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is AMM.
Civil - Marka Airport (ADJ)
Civil - Marka Airport is located approximately 49.71 miles / 80 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is ADJ.
Gush Katif Airport (GHK)
Gush Katif Airport is located approximately 57.79 miles / 93 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is GHK.
Ramon Air Base (MIP)
Ramon Air Base is located approximately 71.46 miles / 115 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is MIP.
Ein Yahav Airfield (EIY)
Ein Yahav Airfield is located approximately 74.56 miles / 120 kilometers South (S) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is EIY.
Haifa Airport (HFA)
Haifa Airport is located approximately 76.43 miles / 123 kilometers North (N) of central Bethlehem. IATA airport code is HFA.