Closest Airport to Chara, Airports Near Chara Russia
What is the nearest airport to Chara, Russia?
The closest airport to Chara is Bodaybo Airport (ODO). Distance from Bodaybo Airport to Chara is 163.09 miles or 262.46 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Chara
- Bodaybo Airport (262.46 Km)
- Olyokminsk Airport (408.12 Km)
- Lensk Airport (466.9 Km)
- Gu-Lian Airport (518.64 Km)
- Kirensk Airport (618.05 Km)
- Chita Airport (630 Km)
- Mirnyj Airport (667.86 Km)
- Nyurba Airport (709.66 Km)
- Verkhnevilyuisk Airport (736.18 Km)
- Yerbogachen Airport (757.5 Km)
List of Airports close to Chara, Russia
Bodaybo Airport (ODO)
Bodaybo Airport is located approximately 162.8 miles / 262 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Chara. IATA airport code is ODO.
Olyokminsk Airport (OLZ)
Olyokminsk Airport is located approximately 253.52 miles / 408 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Chara. IATA airport code is OLZ.
Lensk Airport (ULK)
Lensk Airport is located approximately 289.56 miles / 466 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Chara. IATA airport code is ULK.
Gu-Lian Airport (OHE)
Gu-Lian Airport is located approximately 321.87 miles / 518 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Chara. IATA airport code is OHE.
Kirensk Airport (KCK)
Kirensk Airport is located approximately 384.01 miles / 618 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Chara. IATA airport code is KCK.
Chita Airport (HTA)
Chita Airport is located approximately 390.84 miles / 629 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Chara. IATA airport code is HTA.
Mirnyj Airport (MJZ)
Mirnyj Airport is located approximately 414.45 miles / 667 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Chara. IATA airport code is MJZ.
Nyurba Airport (NYR)
Nyurba Airport is located approximately 440.55 miles / 709 kilometers North (0) of central Chara. IATA airport code is NYR.
Verkhnevilyuisk Airport (VHV)
Verkhnevilyuisk Airport is located approximately 457.33 miles / 736 kilometers North (N) of central Chara. IATA airport code is VHV.
Yerbogachen Airport (ERG)
Yerbogachen Airport is located approximately 470.38 miles / 757 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Chara. IATA airport code is ERG.