Closest Airport to Chita, Airports Near Chita Russia
What is the nearest airport to Chita, Russia?
The closest airport to Chita is Chita Airport (HTA). Distance from Chita Airport to Chita is 7.23 miles or 11.64 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Chita
- Chita Airport (11.64 Km)
- Ulan-Ude Airport (414.44 Km)
- Choibalsan Airport (443.39 Km)
- Hailar Airport (548.36 Km)
- Baruun-Urt Airport (599.63 Km)
- Gu-Lian Airport (613.77 Km)
- Irkutsk Airport (619.59 Km)
- Bodaybo Airport (648.42 Km)
- Buyant Uhaa Airport (669.63 Km)
- Ulaanbaatar Chinggis Khaan International Airport (683.06 Km)
List of Airports close to Chita, Russia
Chita Airport (HTA)
Chita Airport is located approximately 6.84 miles / 11 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Chita. IATA airport code is HTA.
Ulan-Ude Airport (UUD)
Ulan-Ude Airport is located approximately 257.25 miles / 414 kilometers West (W) of central Chita. IATA airport code is UUD.
Choibalsan Airport (COQ)
Choibalsan Airport is located approximately 275.27 miles / 443 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Chita. IATA airport code is COQ.
Hailar Airport (HLD)
Hailar Airport is located approximately 340.51 miles / 548 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Chita. IATA airport code is HLD.
Baruun-Urt Airport (UUN)
Baruun-Urt Airport is located approximately 372.2 miles / 599 kilometers South (S) of central Chita. IATA airport code is UUN.
Gu-Lian Airport (OHE)
Gu-Lian Airport is located approximately 380.9 miles / 613 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Chita. IATA airport code is OHE.
Irkutsk Airport (IKT)
Irkutsk Airport is located approximately 384.63 miles / 619 kilometers West (W) of central Chita. IATA airport code is IKT.
Bodaybo Airport (ODO)
Bodaybo Airport is located approximately 402.65 miles / 648 kilometers North (N) of central Chita. IATA airport code is ODO.
Buyant Uhaa Airport (ULN)
Buyant Uhaa Airport is located approximately 415.7 miles / 669 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Chita. IATA airport code is ULN.
Ulaanbaatar Chinggis Khaan International Airport (UBN)
Ulaanbaatar Chinggis Khaan International Airport is located approximately 424.4 miles / 683 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Chita. IATA airport code is UBN.