Closest Airport to Egelsbach, Airports Near Egelsbach, Germany

The closest airport to Egelsbach is Frankfurt International Airport (FRA). Distance from Frankfurt International Airport to Egelsbach is 6.76 miles or 10.88 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Egelsbach

List of Airports close to Egelsbach, Germany

Frankfurt International Airport (FRA)

Frankfurt International Airport is located approximately 6.21 miles / 10 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is FRA.

Wiesbaden Air Base (WIE)

Wiesbaden Air Base is located approximately 15.53 miles / 25 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is WIE.

Mannheim Airport (MHG)

Mannheim Airport is located approximately 34.18 miles / 55 kilometers South (S) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is MHG.

Siegerland Airport (SGE)

Siegerland Airport is located approximately 57.17 miles / 92 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is SGE.

Ramstein Airport (RMS)

Ramstein Airport is located approximately 59.65 miles / 96 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is RMS.

Giebelstadt Airport (GHF)

Giebelstadt Airport is located approximately 61.52 miles / 99 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is GHF.

Hahn Airport (HHN)

Hahn Airport is located approximately 62.14 miles / 100 kilometers West (W) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is HHN.

Kitzingen Airport (KZG)

Kitzingen Airport is located approximately 70.21 miles / 113 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is KZG.

Zweibrücken Airport (ZQW)

Zweibrücken Airport is located approximately 76.43 miles / 123 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is ZQW.

Fritzlar Air Base (FRZ)

Fritzlar Air Base is located approximately 83.89 miles / 135 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Egelsbach. IATA airport code is FRZ.