Closest Airport to Elk Creek, Airports Near Elk Creek, United States

The closest airport to Elk Creek is Wilkes County Airport (IKB). Distance from Wilkes County Airport to Elk Creek is 34.73 miles or 55.9 kilometers.

List of Airports close to Elk Creek, United States

Wilkes County Airport (IKB)

Wilkes County Airport is located approximately 34.18 miles / 55 kilometers South (S) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is IKB.

Mercer County Airport (BLF)

Mercer County Airport is located approximately 39.15 miles / 63 kilometers North (N) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is BLF.

New River Valley Airport (PSK)

New River Valley Airport is located approximately 39.77 miles / 64 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is PSK.

Virginia Highlands Airport (VJI)

Virginia Highlands Airport is located approximately 47.22 miles / 76 kilometers West (W) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is VJI.

Virginia Tech Airport (BCB)

Virginia Tech Airport is located approximately 54.06 miles / 87 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is BCB.

Mota Lava Airport (MTV)

Mota Lava Airport is located approximately 64 miles / 103 kilometers East (E) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is MTV.

Lenoir Airport (MRN)

Lenoir Airport is located approximately 66.49 miles / 107 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is MRN.

Smith-Reynolds Airport (INT)

Smith-Reynolds Airport is located approximately 66.49 miles / 107 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is INT.

Statesville Municipal Airport (SVH)

Statesville Municipal Airport is located approximately 67.11 miles / 108 kilometers South (S) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is SVH.

Hickory Airport (HKY)

Hickory Airport is located approximately 68.35 miles / 110 kilometers South (S) of central Elk Creek. IATA airport code is HKY.