Closest Airport to Emerum, Airports Near Emerum, Papua New Guinea

The closest airport to Emerum is Madang Airport (MAG). Distance from Madang Airport to Emerum is 53.64 miles or 86.33 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Emerum

List of Airports close to Emerum, Papua New Guinea

Madang Airport (MAG)

Madang Airport is located approximately 53.44 miles / 86 kilometers East (E) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is MAG.

Kagamuga Airport (HGU)

Kagamuga Airport is located approximately 70.84 miles / 114 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is HGU.

Goroka Airport (GKA)

Goroka Airport is located approximately 72.7 miles / 117 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is GKA.

Tarabo Airport (TBQ)

Tarabo Airport is located approximately 101.28 miles / 163 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is TBQ.

Ialibu Airport (IAL)

Ialibu Airport is located approximately 108.12 miles / 174 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is IAL.

Leron Plains Airport (LPN)

Leron Plains Airport is located approximately 128 miles / 206 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is LPN.

Boram Airport (WWK)

Boram Airport is located approximately 139.19 miles / 224 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is WWK.

Nadzab Airport (LAE)

Nadzab Airport is located approximately 155.34 miles / 250 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is LAE.

Komako Airport (HOC)

Komako Airport is located approximately 169.63 miles / 273 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is HOC.

Lengbati Airport (LNC)

Lengbati Airport is located approximately 184.55 miles / 297 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Emerum. IATA airport code is LNC.