Closest Airport to Fergana, Airports Near Fergana, Uzbekistan

The closest airport to Fergana is Osh Airport (OSS). Distance from Osh Airport to Fergana is 54.78 miles or 88.16 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Fergana

List of Airports close to Fergana, Uzbekistan

Osh Airport (OSS)

Osh Airport is located approximately 54.68 miles / 88 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is OSS.

Khudzhand Airport (LBD)

Khudzhand Airport is located approximately 111.23 miles / 179 kilometers West (W) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is LBD.

Darwaz Airport (DAZ)

Darwaz Airport is located approximately 140.43 miles / 226 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is DAZ.

Vostochny Airport (TAS)

Vostochny Airport is located approximately 144.78 miles / 233 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is TAS.

Dzhambyl Airport (DMB)

Dzhambyl Airport is located approximately 172.74 miles / 278 kilometers North (N) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is DMB.

Shimkent Airport (CIT)

Shimkent Airport is located approximately 182.68 miles / 294 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is CIT.

Khwahan Airport (KWH)

Khwahan Airport is located approximately 191.38 miles / 308 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is KWH.

Sheghnan Airport (SGA)

Sheghnan Airport is located approximately 194.49 miles / 313 kilometers South (S) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is SGA.

Kulob Airport (TJU)

Kulob Airport is located approximately 195.73 miles / 315 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is TJU.

Dushanbe Airport (DYU)

Dushanbe Airport is located approximately 202.57 miles / 326 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Fergana. IATA airport code is DYU.