Closest Airport to Kasane, Airports Near Kasane, Botswana

The closest airport to Kasane is Kasane Airport (BBK). Distance from Kasane Airport to Kasane is 2.67 miles or 4.29 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Kasane

List of Airports close to Kasane, Botswana

Kasane Airport (BBK)

Kasane Airport is located approximately 2.49 miles / 4 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is BBK.

Livingstone Airport (LVI)

Livingstone Airport is located approximately 42.87 miles / 69 kilometers East (E) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is LVI.

Victoria Falls Airport (VFA)

Victoria Falls Airport is located approximately 48.47 miles / 78 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is VFA.

Mpacha Airport (MPA)

Mpacha Airport is located approximately 65.87 miles / 106 kilometers West (W) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is MPA.

Hwange Airport (WKI)

Hwange Airport is located approximately 96.31 miles / 155 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is WKI.

Khwai River Lodge Airport (KHW)

Khwai River Lodge Airport is located approximately 130.49 miles / 210 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is KHW.

Hwange National Park Airport (HWN)

Hwange National Park Airport is located approximately 134.22 miles / 216 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is HWN.

Ngoma Airport (ZGM)

Ngoma Airport is located approximately 135.46 miles / 218 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is ZGM.

Lianshulu Airport (LHU)

Lianshulu Airport is located approximately 142.29 miles / 229 kilometers West (W) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is LHU.

Senanga Airport (SXG)

Senanga Airport is located approximately 171.5 miles / 276 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Kasane. IATA airport code is SXG.