Closest Airport to Long Grove, Airports Near Long Grove, United States

The closest airport to Long Grove is Davenport Airport (DVN). Distance from Davenport Airport to Long Grove is 6.04 miles or 9.71 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Long Grove

List of Airports close to Long Grove, United States

Davenport Airport (DVN)

Davenport Airport is located approximately 5.59 miles / 9 kilometers South (S) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is DVN.

Clinton Airport (CWI)

Clinton Airport is located approximately 15.53 miles / 25 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is CWI.

Quad-City Airport (MLI)

Quad-City Airport is located approximately 17.4 miles / 28 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is MLI.

Muscatine Airport (MUT)

Muscatine Airport is located approximately 36.66 miles / 59 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is MUT.

Whiteside County Airport (SQI)

Whiteside County Airport is located approximately 46.6 miles / 75 kilometers East (E) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is SQI.

Dubuque Municipal Airport (DBQ)

Dubuque Municipal Airport is located approximately 49.09 miles / 79 kilometers North (N) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is DBQ.

Iowa City Airport (IOW)

Iowa City Airport is located approximately 49.71 miles / 80 kilometers West (W) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is IOW.

Galesburg Airport (GBG)

Galesburg Airport is located approximately 52.82 miles / 85 kilometers South (S) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is GBG.

Cedar Rapids Airport (CID)

Cedar Rapids Airport is located approximately 59.03 miles / 95 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is CID.

Albertus Airport (FEP)

Albertus Airport is located approximately 63.38 miles / 102 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Long Grove. IATA airport code is FEP.