Closest Airport to Mölndal, Airports Near Mölndal, Sweden

The closest airport to Mölndal is Landvetter Airport (GOT). Distance from Landvetter Airport to Mölndal is 9.77 miles or 15.72 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Mölndal

List of Airports close to Mölndal, Sweden

Landvetter Airport (GOT)

Landvetter Airport is located approximately 9.32 miles / 15 kilometers East (E) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is GOT.

Saeve Airport (GSE)

Saeve Airport is located approximately 9.94 miles / 16 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is GSE.

Laeso Airport (BYR)

Laeso Airport is located approximately 45.36 miles / 73 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is BYR.

Trollhattan Airport (THN)

Trollhattan Airport is located approximately 47.22 miles / 76 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is THN.

Sindal Airport (CNL)

Sindal Airport is located approximately 66.49 miles / 107 kilometers West (W) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is CNL.

Hovby Airport (LDK)

Hovby Airport is located approximately 70.21 miles / 113 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is LDK.

Halmstad Airport (HAD)

Halmstad Airport is located approximately 72.7 miles / 117 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is HAD.

Axamo Airport (JKG)

Axamo Airport is located approximately 75.81 miles / 122 kilometers East (E) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is JKG.

Aalborg Airport (AAL)

Aalborg Airport is located approximately 88.86 miles / 143 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is AAL.

Skovde Airport (KVB)

Skovde Airport is located approximately 90.1 miles / 145 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Mölndal. IATA airport code is KVB.