Closest Airport to Moosomin, Airports Near Moosomin, Canada

The closest airport to Moosomin is Brandon Airport (YBR). Distance from Brandon Airport to Moosomin is 77.81 miles or 125.23 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Moosomin

List of Airports close to Moosomin, Canada

Brandon Airport (YBR)

Brandon Airport is located approximately 77.67 miles / 125 kilometers East (E) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is YBR.

Yorkton Airport (YQV)

Yorkton Airport is located approximately 84.51 miles / 136 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is YQV.

Estevan Airport (YEN)

Estevan Airport is located approximately 86.37 miles / 139 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is YEN.

Dauphin Airport (YDN)

Dauphin Airport is located approximately 96.31 miles / 155 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is YDN.

Minot Air Force Base (MIB)

Minot Air Force Base is located approximately 119.92 miles / 193 kilometers South (S) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is MIB.

Minot International Airport (MOT)

Minot International Airport is located approximately 131.11 miles / 211 kilometers South (S) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is MOT.

Regina Airport (YQR)

Regina Airport is located approximately 133.59 miles / 215 kilometers West (W) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is YQR.

Swan River Airport (ZJN)

Swan River Airport is located approximately 137.32 miles / 221 kilometers North (N) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is ZJN.

Portage La Prarie Airport (YPG)

Portage La Prarie Airport is located approximately 150.99 miles / 243 kilometers East (E) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is YPG.

Sherwood Airport (PWD)

Sherwood Airport is located approximately 158.45 miles / 255 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Moosomin. IATA airport code is PWD.