Closest Airport to Neyagawa, Airports Near Neyagawa, Japan

The closest airport to Neyagawa is Itami Airport (ITM). Distance from Itami Airport to Neyagawa is 10.87 miles or 17.49 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Neyagawa

List of Airports close to Neyagawa, Japan

Itami Airport (ITM)

Itami Airport is located approximately 10.56 miles / 17 kilometers West (W) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is ITM.

Kansai International Airport (KIX)

Kansai International Airport is located approximately 31.69 miles / 51 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is KIX.

Chubu Centrair International Airport (NGO)

Chubu Centrair International Airport is located approximately 66.49 miles / 107 kilometers East (E) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is NGO.

Tajima Airport (TJH)

Tajima Airport is located approximately 69.59 miles / 112 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is TJH.

Tokushima Airport (TKS)

Tokushima Airport is located approximately 72.7 miles / 117 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is TKS.

Shirahama Airport (SHM)

Shirahama Airport is located approximately 77.67 miles / 125 kilometers South (S) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is SHM.

Nagoya/Komaki Airport (NKM)

Nagoya/Komaki Airport is located approximately 80.16 miles / 129 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is NKM.

Gifu Aero (QGU)

Gifu Aero is located approximately 82.02 miles / 132 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is QGU.

Oshkosh Airport (OKS)

Oshkosh Airport is located approximately 96.93 miles / 156 kilometers West (W) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is OKS.

Tottori Airport (TTJ)

Tottori Airport is located approximately 97.56 miles / 157 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Neyagawa. IATA airport code is TTJ.