Closest Airport to Ølstykke, Airports Near Ølstykke, Denmark

The closest airport to Ølstykke is Roskilde Airport (RKE). Distance from Roskilde Airport to Ølstykke is 14.39 miles or 23.16 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Ølstykke

List of Airports close to Ølstykke, Denmark

Roskilde Airport (RKE)

Roskilde Airport is located approximately 14.29 miles / 23 kilometers South (S) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is RKE.

Copenhagen Airport (CPH)

Copenhagen Airport is located approximately 22.99 miles / 37 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is CPH.

Angelholm Airport (AGH)

Angelholm Airport is located approximately 43.5 miles / 70 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is AGH.

Sturup Airport (MMX)

Sturup Airport is located approximately 50.95 miles / 82 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is MMX.

Halmstad Airport (HAD)

Halmstad Airport is located approximately 67.11 miles / 108 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is HAD.

Tirstrup Airport (AAR)

Tirstrup Airport is located approximately 68.35 miles / 110 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is AAR.

Beldringe Airport (ODE)

Beldringe Airport is located approximately 73.94 miles / 119 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is ODE.

Kristianstad Airport (KID)

Kristianstad Airport is located approximately 75.19 miles / 121 kilometers East (E) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is KID.

Maribo Airport (MRW)

Maribo Airport is located approximately 80.16 miles / 129 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is MRW.

Barth Airport (BBH)

Barth Airport is located approximately 102.53 miles / 165 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Ølstykke. IATA airport code is BBH.