Closest Airport to Ottuk-Dash, Airports Near Ottuk-Dash, Russia

The closest airport to Ottuk-Dash is Bulgan Airport (UGA). Distance from Bulgan Airport to Ottuk-Dash is 281.38 miles or 452.84 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Ottuk-Dash

List of Airports close to Ottuk-Dash, Russia

Bulgan Airport (UGA)

Bulgan Airport is located approximately 280.86 miles / 452 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is UGA.

Altai Airport (LTI)

Altai Airport is located approximately 298.26 miles / 480 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is LTI.

Irkutsk Airport (IKT)

Irkutsk Airport is located approximately 308.2 miles / 496 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is IKT.

Bayankhongor Airport (BYN)

Bayankhongor Airport is located approximately 333.05 miles / 536 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is BYN.

Abakan Airport (ABA)

Abakan Airport is located approximately 347.35 miles / 559 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is ABA.

Arvaikheer Airport (AVK)

Arvaikheer Airport is located approximately 377.17 miles / 607 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is AVK.

Bulgan Sum Airport (HBU)

Bulgan Sum Airport is located approximately 418.8 miles / 674 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is HBU.

Ulan-Ude Airport (UUD)

Ulan-Ude Airport is located approximately 426.88 miles / 687 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is UUD.

Bratsk Airport (BTK)

Bratsk Airport is located approximately 431.85 miles / 695 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is BTK.

Krasnojarsk Airport (KJA)

Krasnojarsk Airport is located approximately 443.04 miles / 713 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Ottuk-Dash. IATA airport code is KJA.