Closest Airport to Paraguay Puajhú, Airports Near Paraguay Puajhú, Paraguay

The closest airport to Paraguay Puajhú is Guaíra Airport (GGJ). Distance from Guaíra Airport to Paraguay Puajhú is 46.13 miles or 74.24 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Paraguay Puajhú

List of Airports close to Paraguay Puajhú, Paraguay

Guaíra Airport (GGJ)

Guaíra Airport is located approximately 45.98 miles / 74 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is GGJ.

Toledo Airport (TOW)

Toledo Airport is located approximately 47.85 miles / 77 kilometers East (E) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is TOW.

Alejo Garcia Airport (AGT)

Alejo Garcia Airport is located approximately 57.17 miles / 92 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is AGT.

Cataratas Airport (IGU)

Cataratas Airport is located approximately 62.14 miles / 100 kilometers South (S) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is IGU.

Cascavel Airport (CAC)

Cascavel Airport is located approximately 64 miles / 103 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is CAC.

Cataratas Airport (IGR)

Cataratas Airport is located approximately 71.46 miles / 115 kilometers South (S) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is IGR.

Ernesto Geisel Airport (UMU)

Ernesto Geisel Airport is located approximately 95.07 miles / 153 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is UMU.

Eldorado Airport (ELO)

Eldorado Airport is located approximately 117.44 miles / 189 kilometers South (S) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is ELO.

Francisco Beltrao Airport (FBE)

Francisco Beltrao Airport is located approximately 128 miles / 206 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is FBE.

Pato Branco Municipal Airport (PTO)

Pato Branco Municipal Airport is located approximately 152.24 miles / 245 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Paraguay Puajhú. IATA airport code is PTO.