Closest Airport to Parkbeg, Airports Near Parkbeg, Canada

The closest airport to Parkbeg is Moose Jaw Airport (YMJ). Distance from Moose Jaw Airport to Parkbeg is 32.17 miles or 51.77 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Parkbeg

List of Airports close to Parkbeg, Canada

Moose Jaw Airport (YMJ)

Moose Jaw Airport is located approximately 31.69 miles / 51 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is YMJ.

Swift Current Airport (YYN)

Swift Current Airport is located approximately 63.38 miles / 102 kilometers West (W) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is YYN.

Regina Airport (YQR)

Regina Airport is located approximately 70.21 miles / 113 kilometers East (E) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is YQR.

Saskatoon Airport (YXE)

Saskatoon Airport is located approximately 119.92 miles / 193 kilometers North (N) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is YXE.

Sherwood Airport (PWD)

Sherwood Airport is located approximately 138.57 miles / 223 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is PWD.

Kindersley Airport (YKY)

Kindersley Airport is located approximately 146.64 miles / 236 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is YKY.

Glasgow International Airport (GGW)

Glasgow International Airport is located approximately 155.34 miles / 250 kilometers South (S) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is GGW.

Malta (MLK)

Malta is located approximately 161.56 miles / 260 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is MLK.

Wolf Point International Airport (OLF)

Wolf Point International Airport is located approximately 165.28 miles / 266 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is OLF.

Estevan Airport (YEN)

Estevan Airport is located approximately 169.63 miles / 273 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Parkbeg. IATA airport code is YEN.