Closest Airport to Powell River, Airports Near Powell River Canada
What is the nearest airport to Powell River, Canada?
The closest airport to Powell River is Powell River Airport (YPW). Distance from Powell River Airport to Powell River is 1.1 miles or 1.78 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Powell River
- Powell River Airport (1.78 Km)
- Gillies Bay Airport (15.69 Km)
- Comox Airport (29.47 Km)
- Courtenay Airport (37.14 Km)
- Campbell River Airport (54.98 Km)
- Sechelt Airport (69.21 Km)
- Port Alberni Airport (69.81 Km)
- Squamish Airport (97.97 Km)
- Nanaimo Airport (99.09 Km)
- Vancouver International Airport (120.22 Km)
List of Airports close to Powell River, Canada
Powell River Airport (YPW)
Powell River Airport is located approximately 0.62 miles / 1 kilometers East (E) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YPW.
Gillies Bay Airport (YGB)
Gillies Bay Airport is located approximately 9.32 miles / 15 kilometers South (S) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YGB.
Comox Airport (YQQ)
Comox Airport is located approximately 18.02 miles / 29 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YQQ.
Courtenay Airport (YCA)
Courtenay Airport is located approximately 22.99 miles / 37 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YCA.
Campbell River Airport (YBL)
Campbell River Airport is located approximately 33.55 miles / 54 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YBL.
Sechelt Airport (YHS)
Sechelt Airport is located approximately 42.87 miles / 69 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YHS.
Port Alberni Airport (YPB)
Port Alberni Airport is located approximately 42.87 miles / 69 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YPB.
Squamish Airport (YSE)
Squamish Airport is located approximately 60.27 miles / 97 kilometers East (E) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YSE.
Nanaimo Airport (YCD)
Nanaimo Airport is located approximately 61.52 miles / 99 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YCD.
Vancouver International Airport (YVR)
Vancouver International Airport is located approximately 74.56 miles / 120 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Powell River. IATA airport code is YVR.