Closest Airport to Punta Mita, Airports Near Punta Mita, Mexico

The closest airport to Punta Mita is Ordaz (PVR). Distance from Ordaz to Punta Mita is 19.08 miles or 30.71 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Punta Mita

List of Airports close to Punta Mita, Mexico

Ordaz (PVR)

Ordaz is located approximately 18.64 miles / 30 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is PVR.

Tepic Airport (TPQ)

Tepic Airport is located approximately 62.14 miles / 100 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is TPQ.

Manzanillo Airport (ZLO)

Manzanillo Airport is located approximately 129.25 miles / 208 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is ZLO.

Miguel Hidal Airport (GDL)

Miguel Hidal Airport is located approximately 144.16 miles / 232 kilometers East (E) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is GDL.

Colima Airport (CLQ)

Colima Airport is located approximately 163.42 miles / 263 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is CLQ.

Gen Rafael Buelna Airport (MZT)

Gen Rafael Buelna Airport is located approximately 170.88 miles / 275 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is MZT.

Aguascalients Airport (AGU)

Aguascalients Airport is located approximately 216.24 miles / 348 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is AGU.

Zamora Airport (ZMM)

Zamora Airport is located approximately 216.24 miles / 348 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is ZMM.

La Calera Airport (ZCL)

La Calera Airport is located approximately 233.64 miles / 376 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is ZCL.

Guadalupe Victoria Airport (DGO)

Guadalupe Victoria Airport is located approximately 239.23 miles / 385 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Punta Mita. IATA airport code is DGO.