Closest Airport to Radolfzell, Airports Near Radolfzell, Germany

The closest airport to Radolfzell is Friedrichshafen Airport (FDH). Distance from Friedrichshafen Airport to Radolfzell is 25.83 miles or 41.57 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Radolfzell

List of Airports close to Radolfzell, Germany

Friedrichshafen Airport (FDH)

Friedrichshafen Airport is located approximately 25.48 miles / 41 kilometers East (E) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is FDH.

Zurich Airport (ZRH)

Zurich Airport is located approximately 27.34 miles / 44 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is ZRH.

Altenrhein Airport (ACH)

Altenrhein Airport is located approximately 32.93 miles / 53 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is ACH.

Hohenems Airport (HOH)

Hohenems Airport is located approximately 42.25 miles / 68 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is HOH.

Memmingen Airport (FMM)

Memmingen Airport is located approximately 60.89 miles / 98 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is FMM.

Echterdingen Airport (STR)

Echterdingen Airport is located approximately 65.87 miles / 106 kilometers North (N) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is STR.

EuroAirport Swiss (BSL)

EuroAirport Swiss is located approximately 67.11 miles / 108 kilometers West (W) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is BSL.

Lahr Airport (LHA)

Lahr Airport is located approximately 67.73 miles / 109 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is LHA.

Colmar-Houssen Airport (CMR)

Colmar-Houssen Airport is located approximately 78.29 miles / 126 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is CMR.

Soellingen Airport (FKB)

Soellingen Airport is located approximately 82.02 miles / 132 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Radolfzell. IATA airport code is FKB.