Closest Airport to Rockhampton City, Airports Near Rockhampton City, Australia

The closest airport to Rockhampton City is Rockhampton Airport (ROK). Distance from Rockhampton Airport to Rockhampton City is 2.16 miles or 3.48 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Rockhampton City

List of Airports close to Rockhampton City, Australia

Rockhampton Airport (ROK)

Rockhampton Airport is located approximately 1.86 miles / 3 kilometers West (W) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is ROK.

Gladstone Airport (GLT)

Gladstone Airport is located approximately 55.92 miles / 90 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is GLT.

Thangool Airport (THG)

Thangool Airport is located approximately 77.05 miles / 124 kilometers South (S) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is THG.

Blackwater Airport (BLT)

Blackwater Airport is located approximately 108.74 miles / 175 kilometers West (W) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is BLT.

Monto Airport (MNQ)

Monto Airport is located approximately 110.6 miles / 178 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is MNQ.

Theodore Airport (TDR)

Theodore Airport is located approximately 114.33 miles / 184 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is TDR.

Middlemount Airport (MMM)

Middlemount Airport is located approximately 121.17 miles / 195 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is MMM.

Dysart Airport (DYA)

Dysart Airport is located approximately 146.02 miles / 235 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is DYA.

Emerald Airport (EMD)

Emerald Airport is located approximately 147.89 miles / 238 kilometers West (W) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is EMD.

Bundaberg Airport (BDB)

Bundaberg Airport is located approximately 154.72 miles / 249 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Rockhampton City. IATA airport code is BDB.