Closest Airport to Saskatchewan Landing, Airports Near Saskatchewan Landing Canada
What is the nearest airport to Saskatchewan Landing, Canada?
The closest airport to Saskatchewan Landing is Swift Current Airport (YYN). Distance from Swift Current Airport to Saskatchewan Landing is 27.76 miles or 44.67 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Saskatchewan Landing
- Swift Current Airport (44.67 Km)
- Kindersley Airport (127.86 Km)
- Moose Jaw Airport (175.07 Km)
- Saskatoon Airport (191.26 Km)
- Medicine Hat Airport (206.54 Km)
- Regina Airport (235.61 Km)
- North Battleford Airport (236.54 Km)
- Malta (255.68 Km)
- Havre City County Airport (266.9 Km)
- Coronation Airport (287.97 Km)
List of Airports close to Saskatchewan Landing, Canada
Swift Current Airport (YYN)
Swift Current Airport is located approximately 27.34 miles / 44 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is YYN.
Kindersley Airport (YKY)
Kindersley Airport is located approximately 78.91 miles / 127 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is YKY.
Moose Jaw Airport (YMJ)
Moose Jaw Airport is located approximately 108.74 miles / 175 kilometers East (E) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is YMJ.
Saskatoon Airport (YXE)
Saskatoon Airport is located approximately 118.68 miles / 191 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is YXE.
Medicine Hat Airport (YXH)
Medicine Hat Airport is located approximately 128 miles / 206 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is YXH.
Regina Airport (YQR)
Regina Airport is located approximately 146.02 miles / 235 kilometers East (E) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is YQR.
North Battleford Airport (YQW)
North Battleford Airport is located approximately 146.64 miles / 236 kilometers North (N) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is YQW.
Malta (MLK)
Malta is located approximately 158.45 miles / 255 kilometers South (S) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is MLK.
Havre City County Airport (HVR)
Havre City County Airport is located approximately 165.28 miles / 266 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is HVR.
Coronation Airport (YCT)
Coronation Airport is located approximately 178.33 miles / 287 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Saskatchewan Landing. IATA airport code is YCT.