Closest Airport to Seattle, Airports Near Seattle, United States

The closest airport to Seattle is Boeing Field International Airport (BFI). Distance from Boeing Field International Airport to Seattle is 5.45 miles / 8.77 kilometers.

List of Airports close to Seattle

Lake Union Sea Plane Base (LKE)

Lake Union Sea Plane Base is located approximately 1.24 miles / 2 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is LKE.

Boeing Field International Airport (BFI)

Boeing Field International Airport is located approximately 4.97 miles / 8 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is BFI.

Renton Airport (RNT)

Renton Airport is located approximately 9.32 miles / 15 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is RNT.

Desolation Sound Airport (YDS)

Desolation Sound Airport is located approximately 10.56 miles / 17 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is YDS.

Kenmore Air Harbor Airport (KEH)

Kenmore Air Harbor Airport is located approximately 10.56 miles / 17 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is KEH.

Seattle/Tacoma International Airport (SEA)

Seattle/Tacoma International Airport is located approximately 10.56 miles / 17 kilometers South (S) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is SEA.

Poulsbo Airport (PUL)

Poulsbo Airport is located approximately 16.78 miles / 27 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is PUL.

Snohomish County Airport (PAE)

Snohomish County Airport is located approximately 20.51 miles / 33 kilometers North (N) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is PAE.

Bremerton National Airport (PWT)

Bremerton National Airport is located approximately 21.13 miles / 34 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is PWT.

Industrial Airport (TIW)

Industrial Airport is located approximately 25.48 miles / 41 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is TIW.

McChord Air Force Base (TCM)

McChord Air Force Base is located approximately 32.93 miles / 53 kilometers South (S) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is TCM.

Port Townsend Airport (TWD)

Port Townsend Airport is located approximately 37.9 miles / 61 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is TWD.

Gray Army Air Field (GRF)

Gray Army Air Field is located approximately 37.9 miles / 61 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is GRF.

Sanderson Field (SHN)

Sanderson Field is located approximately 45.98 miles / 74 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is SHN.

Oak Harbor Airport (ODW)

Oak Harbor Airport is located approximately 47.22 miles / 76 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is ODW.

Sequim Valley Airport (SQV)

Sequim Valley Airport is located approximately 48.47 miles / 78 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is SQV.

Olympia Airport (OLM)

Olympia Airport is located approximately 50.95 miles / 82 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is OLM.

Ault Field (NUW)

Ault Field is located approximately 53.44 miles / 86 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is NUW.

Skagit Regional Airport (MVW)

Skagit Regional Airport is located approximately 55.92 miles / 90 kilometers North (N) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is MVW.

State Airport (ESW)

State Airport is located approximately 58.41 miles / 94 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Seattle. IATA airport code is ESW.