Closest Airport to Tan Son Nhi, Airports Near Tan Son Nhi, Vietnam

The closest airport to Tan Son Nhi is Ho Chi Minh City Airport (SGN). Distance from Ho Chi Minh City Airport to Tan Son Nhi is 1.96 miles or 3.15 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Tan Son Nhi

List of Airports close to Tan Son Nhi, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City Airport (SGN)

Ho Chi Minh City Airport is located approximately 1.86 miles / 3 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is SGN.

Rach Gia Airport (VKG)

Rach Gia Airport is located approximately 116.82 miles / 188 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is VKG.

Pochentong Airport (PNH)

Pochentong Airport is located approximately 131.11 miles / 211 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is PNH.

Lienkhang Airport (DLI)

Lienkhang Airport is located approximately 134.22 miles / 216 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is DLI.

Phung-Duc Airport (BMV)

Phung-Duc Airport is located approximately 163.42 miles / 263 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is BMV.

Duong Dang Airport (PQC)

Duong Dang Airport is located approximately 185.17 miles / 298 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is PQC.

Ratanakiri Airport (RBE)

Ratanakiri Airport is located approximately 203.81 miles / 328 kilometers North (N) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is RBE.

Pleiku Airport (PXU)

Pleiku Airport is located approximately 239.85 miles / 386 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is PXU.

Koh Kong Airport (KKZ)

Koh Kong Airport is located approximately 252.28 miles / 406 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is KKZ.

Siem Reap Airport (REP)

Siem Reap Airport is located approximately 262.22 miles / 422 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Tan Son Nhi. IATA airport code is REP.