Closest Airport to Teruel, Airports Near Teruel, Spain

The closest airport to Teruel is Teruel Airport (TEV). Distance from Teruel Airport to Teruel is 7.35 miles or 11.83 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Teruel

List of Airports close to Teruel, Spain

Teruel Airport (TEV)

Teruel Airport is located approximately 6.84 miles / 11 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is TEV.

Castellon De La Plana Airport (CDT)

Castellon De La Plana Airport is located approximately 64 miles / 103 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is CDT.

Valencia Airport (VLC)

Valencia Airport is located approximately 67.73 miles / 109 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is VLC.

Zaragoza Airport (ZAZ)

Zaragoza Airport is located approximately 90.72 miles / 146 kilometers North (N) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is ZAZ.

Torrejon Air Force Base (TOJ)

Torrejon Air Force Base is located approximately 123.03 miles / 198 kilometers West (W) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is TOJ.

Huesca/Pirineos Airport (HSK)

Huesca/Pirineos Airport is located approximately 126.14 miles / 203 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is HSK.

Lleida-Alguaire Airport (ILD)

Lleida-Alguaire Airport is located approximately 128 miles / 206 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is ILD.

Barajas Airport (MAD)

Barajas Airport is located approximately 129.25 miles / 208 kilometers West (W) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is MAD.

Reus Airport (REU)

Reus Airport is located approximately 131.11 miles / 211 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is REU.

Alicante Airport (ALC)

Alicante Airport is located approximately 145.4 miles / 234 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Teruel. IATA airport code is ALC.