Closest Airport to Vernon, Airports Near Vernon, Canada

The closest airport to Vernon is Vernon Airport (YVE). Distance from Vernon Airport to Vernon is 2.92 miles or 4.69 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Vernon

List of Airports close to Vernon, Canada

Vernon Airport (YVE)

Vernon Airport is located approximately 2.49 miles / 4 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is YVE.

Kelowna Airport (YLW)

Kelowna Airport is located approximately 21.75 miles / 35 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is YLW.

Salmon Arm Airport (YSN)

Salmon Arm Airport is located approximately 28.58 miles / 46 kilometers North (N) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is YSN.

Douglas Lake Airport (DGF)

Douglas Lake Airport is located approximately 39.77 miles / 64 kilometers West (W) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is DGF.

Penticton Airport (YYF)

Penticton Airport is located approximately 57.17 miles / 92 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is YYF.

Kamloops Airport (YKA)

Kamloops Airport is located approximately 59.65 miles / 96 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is YKA.

Merritt Airport (YMB)

Merritt Airport is located approximately 67.11 miles / 108 kilometers West (W) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is YMB.

Revelstoke Airport (YRV)

Revelstoke Airport is located approximately 67.73 miles / 109 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is YRV.

Grand Forks Airport (ZGF)

Grand Forks Airport is located approximately 93.83 miles / 151 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is ZGF.

Castlegar Airport (YCG)

Castlegar Airport is located approximately 98.8 miles / 159 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Vernon. IATA airport code is YCG.