Closest Airport to Shantou, Airports Near Shantou, China

The closest airport to Shantou is Shantou Airport (SWA). Distance from Shantou Airport to Shantou is 7.16 miles or 11.53 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Shantou

List of Airports close to Shantou, China

Shantou Airport (SWA)

Shantou Airport is located approximately 6.84 miles / 11 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is SWA.

Mei Xian Airport (MXZ)

Mei Xian Airport is located approximately 77.05 miles / 124 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is MXZ.

Xiamen Airport (XMN)

Xiamen Airport is located approximately 122.41 miles / 197 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is XMN.

Dongsha Island (Pratas Island) Airport (DSX)

Dongsha Island (Pratas Island) Airport is located approximately 182.68 miles / 294 kilometers South (S) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is DSX.

Makung Airport (MZG)

Makung Airport is located approximately 187.03 miles / 301 kilometers East (E) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is MZG.

Shenzhen Airport (SZX)

Shenzhen Airport is located approximately 188.9 miles / 304 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is SZX.

Hong Kong International Airport (HKG)

Hong Kong International Airport is located approximately 190.14 miles / 306 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is HKG.

Macau Airport (MFM)

Macau Airport is located approximately 213.13 miles / 343 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is MFM.

Baiyun Airport (CAN)

Baiyun Airport is located approximately 214.37 miles / 345 kilometers West (W) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is CAN.

Tainan Airport (TNN)

Tainan Airport is located approximately 225.56 miles / 363 kilometers East (E) of central Shantou. IATA airport code is TNN.