Kalumburu Airport (UBU) 15 Day Weather Forecast, Kalumburu Australia

Current weather conditions and 15 day weather forecast for Kalumburu Airport in Kalumburu, Australia including weather daily high/low temperature, warnings, chance of precipitation, pressure, humidity/wind chill, rain, wind speed, cloud, pressure, and UV index.

Current weather conditions at UBU

31 March 2025 Mon
° C
( °F )

Feels Like : ° C / °F
Humidity : %
Pressure : mb
Wind Speed : kmph / miles from
Visibility : km
Precipitation (rainfall) : mm
Cloud (%) :

15-day weather forecast for Kalumburu Airport, Kalumburu, Australia

Date Weather forecast Low temperature High temperature Average Temperature Humidity Wind Chance of rain
Weather forecasts are usually fully updated every 3 hours.

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